Once you have set your SMART goals, you should have a better understanding of which individuals or groups you need to engage with to achieve these goals.

This may include policymakers and decision-makers who could be crucial in achieving your advocacy goals. However, knowing whom to contact in these groups, and how to communicate with them, can be challenging.

We have developed guidance to help you:

  • identify the individuals you could reach out to
  • find out the best ways of communicating with them.

It is important to consider speaking to policymakers and decision-makers from outside the health sector; those in the treasury or the finance sector could also help you achieve your goal.

Writing a letter to a policymaker or decision-maker can be an effective way to make them aware of the issues you have prioritised and ask them for concrete actions. It is important to have specific actions in mind for the letter; otherwise, the policymaker is unlikely to know how to address the issue. Click the buttons below to see a template letter for policymakers or decision-makers along with guidance on whom to engage with.

Template letter to policymaker or decision-maker
Whom can I engage with to drive change?