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Using peer support to build an advocacy community

Using peer support to build an advocacy community

Incorporating peer support into advocacy ensures that the patient experience is at the heart of activities. It can also add a greater level of legitimacy by having a wider range of experiences represented.

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Open letter to governments

Open letter to governments

This open letter template has been developed to help you call for change from your government with a unified voice.

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Wilson’s disease factsheet

Wilson’s disease factsheet

This factsheet provides key messages about Wilson’s disease that you can use to advocate for change.

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Whom can I engage with to drive change?

Whom can I engage with to drive change?

This guidance has been developed to support you in identifying the right people to contact to drive change and provides advice for how to communicate with them effectively.

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Template letter to policymaker or decision-maker

Template letter to policymaker or decision-maker

This template letter has been developed to arrange meetings with policymakers and decision-makers to discuss topics that are important to achieving your goals. We encourage you to adapt the letter to reflect your specific priorities.

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SMART analysis template

SMART analysis template

This template can support you to develop impactful advocacy goals and understand what is needed to achieve them.

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Action plan template

Action plan template

Building on the SMART analysis template, this action plan template can support you to establish which tasks need to be completed, and when, to achieve your goals.

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Policy change for Wilson’s disease action statement

Policy change for Wilson’s disease action statement

The Wilson’s Disease Policy Network has launched an action statement calling on stakeholders to improve care for people living with Wilson’s disease.

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Policy brief on Wilson’s disease

Policy brief on Wilson’s disease

The policy brief outlines six priority areas that must be addressed to ensure everyone living with Wilson’s disease – a rare genetic condition that can cause a range of liver, neurological and psychiatric symptoms – is able to experience a high quality of life.

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